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Cost Labour

The Cost Labour KPI refers to the total amount of money spent in a set period in order to employ staff.

Ryan avatar
Written by Ryan
Updated over a week ago

It relates directly to the number provided in the Headcount KPI


Don’t include

  • Benefits, taxes, social security costs

  • can be reduced by grants or subsidies received

  • External contractors


∑ of salaries/wages Gross

+ incidental costs


= Cost Labour

A company has two employees. The employees each receive 1.500 € net per month. The company has to pay 2.500 € for each employee (gross salary + incidental labour costs). Cost Labour is therefore calculated as follows:

2.500 €

x 2


= 5.000 €


Payroll Costs/Salaries/Wages




Currency (Euro/Dollar/YEN/…)

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